I am a Masters student of Embedded Systems at Eindhoven University of Technology. I have a great passion for learning about technology and am always curious to learn about new things. As an Engineer I am always looking to identify and solve problems that are part of our lives.
My research interest lie in VLSI, Digital Circuits, Memory Systems, Low power design, and Computer architecture with focus on optimizing performance and reducing costs.
Graduate Research Intern - Eindhoven University of Technology
Latch Based Standard cell Memory with Precision Scaling
Design and implementation of a latch based standard cell memories with precision scaling under supervision of Prof. Henk Corporaal, Prof Manil Dev Gomony at the Electronic Systems group
Performing design space exploration on designs combining precision scalability with techniques such as power gating, voltage scaling
Eindhoven, Netherlands
Sep 2020 - Dec 2020

Autonomous Systems Lead - Team RoverX
System for autonomous traversal of planetary rover.
RoverX is a student run team taking part in international, national rover challenges.
Designed and implemented subsystems (hardware and software) for autonomous traversal for a Mar’s rover
Contributed to Image processing Code used for soil analysis during the science task.
Vellore , India
Jan 2020 - Dec 2020

Intern - EIsystems Services Pvt Ltd
Implementing multiple mini projects related to robotics, embedded systems and Internet of Things as part of the internship program.
Implementing a 2D/3D mapping and visualization system using microcontoller boards, python, C.
Bhubaneswar, India
June 2017 - July 2017

Training programme - Emtronik Technologies Pvt Ltd
Involved in building several mini projects in addition to training in Rembedded C,micro-controller boards.
Hands on experience of the company's implementation and testing of domestic solar power systems and CCTV surveillance systems.
Bhubaneswar, India
June 2017

Member - Creation labs
Creation labs is a maker space at VIT,Vellore.
Contributed to various student run projects, events.
Bhubaneswar, India
Jan 2016 - Aug 2018


Eindhoven University of Technology
M.Sc - Embedded Systems
Systems on Chip Specialization
Relevant Coursework - Digital IC Deisgn, Multiprocessors, Systems on Silicon, Parallelization, compilers and platforms, Embedded Computer Architecture, Advanced Digital Circuit Design

Thesis: Comprehensive demand-side management system for renewable-based micro-grids using IoT
Relevant Coursework - Neural Network and Fuzzy Control, Embedded System Design, Advanced Digital System Design with FPGAs, VLSI Design, Microprocessor and Microcontroller, Analog and Digital Circuits
Vellore University of Technology
B.Tech - Electrical and Electronics Engineering


Central Board of Secondary Education
A.I.S.S.C.E (High School)
Courses taken: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, English and Computer Science
Central Board of Secondary Education
All India Secondary School Examination